A blog that focuses on Life, Society and Imagination; mixed with product, movie and tv show reviews.

Saturday 2 August 2014

School, Stress and Social unavailability

I don't really expect more than a couple of tens of people to read this post, but if any of you are in the UK (Scotland to be more specific) you will know exactly what this frightful weekend is. This is the weekend before our school exam results slip through our letterboxes at the earliest hours possible in the morning.

August has always been a time of sadness and misery because of this very reason. This is due to the copious amounts of stress and anticipation building up for that one day where we know if we focused on schoolwork, or friends. Let's just say I am not exactly personal friends with whoever thought school examinations would be a great thing.
"Let's set our students on a course in each subject throughout the whole year, consisting with at least three slabs of unit overviews and assessments. Then let's test all of this knowledge within one and a half hours and determine how well they will do in the future career-wise"
As soon as school starts, we all know that's the time where we become social hermits and rarely have enough time to spend time with friends, which is always A bad thing. Good thing our generation has Facebook..

To end on a happy note, at least we all get to keep ourselves busy during school, right? (Who am I kidding, it is the downfall of every teenager who has ever lived)



  1. Sounds very stressful! It is super weird to me that europeans finish school in the middle of the year, In Australia we don't have to put up with all of that stress until december!

    1. Yeah haha, we do the exams in May then get the results in August just before we start school again.


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