A blog that focuses on Life, Society and Imagination; mixed with product, movie and tv show reviews.

Friday 10 October 2014

Youtube Channel

Before you start expecting something I usually post, this is just a little life update! I have recently made a youtube channel to coincide with the blog ( I don't expect the channel to go anywhere )
So far, I only plan on making 'How to' videos which will mostly be software based.

My most recent video is 'How to make thumbnails' which is basically just me making and editing a thumbnail very fast. Although it doesn't sound like much, there are quite a few youtubers who use the same method ( I originally found the website through watching a youtubers video)

If you feel like it, check out my channel and maybe subscribe!



  1. Awesome that you've started a youtube channel! I have tried but failed hopelessly. I just can't get it right hahaha. I wonder if there's a youtube for dummies book or something - I need that hahaha.

    I just became your first double digit follower on GFC xxxx



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