A blog that focuses on Life, Society and Imagination; mixed with product, movie and tv show reviews.

Thursday 21 May 2015


So as you can see, I've made some new changes to the blog by adding a new contact page (and a few other behind the scenes stuff) This is mostly because of how the blog and twitter have been getting a lot more attention recently (This may be due to me signing up on Bloglovin)

So I eventually decided to create a contact form for people to fill out if they have any requests on what I should review, or if companies want me to review any of their products. If anyone is interested in recommending things for review, or wants me to review any of their own products, please keep in mind that what I post is 100% my thoughts about a product, I'm not going to "glam" it up to encourage people to purchase it if it isn't actually good.

This is equally bad and good. It's bad in the sense that if you're just looking for cheap sales with no real thought behind the advertisement, getting a review from a blog is not going to be for you. It is however good in getting real feedback from someone who is in the same place as a customer, whether this helps you to make improvements or helps you to know that your product is of a good personal standard to them.

This is just a short update post for everyone to read! Also please check out my Bloglovin and follow me there.


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