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Saturday 20 September 2014

The Two Sides of Scotland

Recently, on the 18th September, there was a very special vote which took place in Scotland. This vote was (or would have been) the first step toward Scotland's independence, and how we would break away from the UK.

I was one of few who weren't very intimidated by the Scottish Referendum, and actually voted without A moment of stress or regret. I decided to vote Yes down to the the fact that I believe my country would do fine on it's own with the amount of resources we have access to, and the strong trades within the country. I would however, still be happy if we stayed within the UK (Let's not lie to ourselves, Thorpe Park and Alton Towers are great)

Over the past few days since the final result however (which was a NO, by the way), there has been riots between Yes and No voters all throughout Scotland, and mostly within our most popular city, Glasgow. Not only is it pointless, but it is downright embarrassing. Whether the Vote was tampered with or not (There have been several allegations of miscounts and fraud during the referendum) Scotland as a country will need to accept whatever outcome occurs and adapt to it; but of course this wasn't the case.
Riot in Glasgow George Square

Since the result, there has been a great divide in Scotland between those who voted Yes and those who voted No, which has also caused a petition for a re-vote to surface. This just shows how badly countries can react to votes of Independence, and I personally think the country would be better off if no vote had taken place.

1 comment

  1. In my opinion I think it was a good thing for the independence vote to take place because it allowed the subject to be debated and duly voted on, but at the same time it has been divisive ... but then nationalism always is because it pits people against each other ...


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