A blog that focuses on Life, Society and Imagination; mixed with product, movie and tv show reviews.

Monday 11 August 2014

Why do you write?

Recently I noticed a few of my 'blogger' friends have been writing things on their blogs about how writing keeps them occupied from real-life issues and things along those lines, so I thought I would put my own little concept on it and call the post 'Why do you write?'

I write for a few reasons actually, one being because I generally enjoy doing it and another being because it makes me feel somewhat satisfied with myself. The fact of writing your thoughts online and then others reading/enjoying is something that makes most people feel good, and although my blog is pretty small right now, I'm sure that if I put in enough work and keep my posts decently consistent, I can get it a little more recognition (Not in any way trying to say I'm the best blogger in the world though, because I'm sure I'm quite far from it) and then hopefully build up a few members!

As for the other reason, I have always quite enjoyed writing, especially when I was younger. I would go and get sheets and sheets of paper, then fold them over into a book shape and staple them together (Like a book) then I would write my own stories on them and give them to my mum. Although they were probably the most vile stories my mother ever saw, she would still read them for me and personally I don't think I would have the same interest in writing if she never did that (thanks mum!) Ever since then I have wrote full-on short stories (Mostly horror/thriller) for my English class which got good reviews from my teacher (Yay, gimme that book deal now)

Since then, I discovered blogger when I was attempting to start a News Article for a game I played, which would include information on events and etc. That blog eventually started to get some decent views, but then the game shut down and I forgot about the blog completely. Then A couple of years later at the beginning of August, I came across my blogger account again and read through my old posts (Now, these were not the best posts ever but I did get my points across!) and after that I eventually decided to start my own blog, but make it different by putting in stuff I want to talk about. I named it Ryonymous because I wanted it to be something short and catchy but also something that could easily stick to your mind (Like Zoella for example)

So that's my story basically, nothing too soppy or emotional unfortunately (I guess I live a boring life... or I'm just not ready to share personal things yet! haha) I want to turn this post into a sort of tag thing, so if you see this post and also happen to have a blog, write your own!

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